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Residents of tel-aviv City Center and Old North districts of Tel Aviv have begun a postering campaign against Tel-Aviv City Hall complaining that the planning committee are endangering the lives of the residents of many of the older buildings in the city.

According to an article in Globes ( are up in arms about the decision of the planning committee not to increase the building rights for buildings in Tel-Aviv neighborhoods under the “Tama 38” scheme.

In 2005 the Israeli government instituted a wide ranging plan known as “Tama 38” to encourage real estate developers in Israel to renovate and earthquake proof pre-1980 buildings at no cost to the residents in return for building rights on the roof and in the ground floor of the building. 55% of all apartments in Israel are in buildings that meet the criteria for the scheme. In practice very few projects have come to fruition due to real estate values being inadequate to cover the developers costs and guarantee a profit.

The tel-aviv residents were hoping that the committee would increase the number of floors that a developer would be allowed to add to a building from 1.5 to 2.5 floors, and enable the addition of secure rooms and elevators for the existing apartments - the city refused citing likely problems due to the added population density this would enable. The residents - who are planning an appeal - claim that as long as the city does not answer their demands developers will refuse to begin work on renovating their buildings and their lives, in the event of an earthquake or a war, are being put at risk by the officials.

by Saul Sadka